The innovative eye sight correcting lens - LK lens of LUCID KOREA
Released on: September 22, 2008, 11:46 pm
Press Release Author: Lucid Korea
Industry: Healthcare
Press Release Summary: An excellent improvement in eye sight was seen in the clinical trial. Wear the lens at night. And when you remove it in the morning you will have a normal sight during day time.
Press Release Body: Lucid Korea is a 5 year old venture company that manufactures eye care products (CEO: Lee Jong Hyun, 42). The company invented a myoporthosis lens that had to be worn only at night. After a 5month clinical trial, it has published its effects. The clinical trial results of LK lens were surprising. After an average wear of contacts of 2 weeks people gained a normal sight of 0.8 or more. Among people that tried the lens for more than 5 months, one person could go by without lenses for a whole week by just wearing it one night.
Because of the cost and fear of the LASIK surgery which was the only way of correcting the eye sight, it was not easy to correct one' sight. Especially if you were under 18, the surgery itself was contraindicated. These problems can be solved with LK lens. Due to the high use of computers of adolescents the lens is thought to become very popular since surgery can't be performed on people under 18. It will also be a welcome news to those who feel discomfort with contacts, who can't wear glasses such as artists, and sportsmen.
The principle of the LK lens is due to its special design inside. This part gives pressure to the central cornea therefore flattening the convex surface which causes myopia. These sight correcting lenses up to now have been mainly imported so that it was not easily adapted to the Asian eye.
The LK lens has been developed for the Korean and Asian eye so that it is very comfortable and there are no side effects. The clinical trial proved a better result and as it can replace the imported products there are high potentials to its value. Lucid Korea which developed the LK lens has been approved by the KFDA. And due to its fit to the Asian eye and the fact that it is being performed more than 15thousand per month in shanghai, it will try to export to the 14billion Chinese people.
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Contact Details: * Company Name: Lucid Korea * Country/Territory: Korea * Business Type: Manufacturer * Contact us : Mr.Joseph DK, Lee - Tel : 82-2-2281-4411 - E-mail :
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